Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Dont forget, contest for Business Bootcamp with Skye
Monday, July 30, 2007
Kristin Paying it forward 4x10 storyboard

Kristin sent in this lovely green 10x4 storyboard with three openings.
Link to download: Click here
Thank you to Kristin for pif on the blog!! -pif blogger
Picture in Picture action from LORI

We have tonsssssss and loads of stuff to post
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Contest, are your boots made for walking?

It's called Business Bootcamp Workshop / http://www.bbootcamp.com/
Here's a chance to win a seat at Skye Hardwicks Business Bootcamp Workshop. If you win, you get to pick the location of your choice.
The rules are ...
Understand it is a business only workshop.
Those within two hours of both Pittsburgh PA and St. Louis MO are not able to attend due to those being Skye's marketing areas.
Must have a business or on their way to having one; no hobbyists.
Here's the contest:
Take a picture, involving boots, bdu's or something boot related. It can be hip , sexy, fun, jazzy, whatever your interpretation is for the contest. Email your picture entries to pifphoto@gmail.com.
Winner will be announced Wednesday of next week along with an interview and winning picture. Boots video Jessica Simpson, cant wait to see the entries!
Skye Hardwick, her boots were made for walking......Its all about workshops!
How long in the photography business?
Skye: I have been in the photography business over three years now. Loved photography from as far back as I can remember.
Skye: A good prime lens. I'm coming around to zooms, but my heart will always be with my trusty 50mm 1.4
- A cup of coffee { with extra cream and two splendas }
- Almonds for low carb snacking
Skye: Totally. I sing anywhere. If I weren't a photographer I'd be a singer. If I had more guts to sing in public, that is.
Skye: My Mom.
Tell us a little bit about your workshops?
Skye: I offer both Creative and Business workshops for photographers around the US.
See links below or visit the WS News Blog: http://www.workofheart.typepad.com/soulographer
Wildest craziest thing you have done?
Skye: Haha. A lady keeps her secrets. *wink*
Favorite Quote?
Skye: I'm a quote junkie, so I have many favorites, but photography-related I love this quote:
"You have no competition because there is only ONE of you on this earth. Embrace that fact and let it carry you in your art, your business, and your confidence!" -- Mike Colon, Photographer

Links to all Skye's fun stuff:
http://www.workofheart.typepad.com/soulographer / Workshop News Blog
And we are not done, contest coming up, get your boots ready ;)
Pretty as a Daisy, Laura Veraska contributing

Link to download : click here to download
Thank you to NoBs Photo Success and Photoshop Mama
Guess what???? Its contest interview DAY!!!
Do you know who?
Gift Certificate, PIF Style from DEBI! She's a rockstar!

Link to download: Click here to download
Shoutout to Melanie R

Link to download: Click here
and click here
Thank you Cindy for pif on the blog-pif blogger
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Please take our poll on the right----------------------->
If you so happen to know of a better route to get stuff linked to download without it costing money please email us at pifphoto@gmail.com.
If you are having issues with downloads showing deleted, it helps if you specify which downloads are showing that. Its time consuming on our part to go through each one to find the ones that show that. So sending us a link will help us figure it out.
Also, please make sure to download any items that have been gifted on the blog, most will likely expire in 90 days and wont be rehosted. Some expire in 7 days depending on which company used for downloading links.
Again, thank you for reading the blog and helping us make this an amazing blog for all of us to be able to give back to eachother, paying it forward.
-PIF Blogger
Update: from bruce via email- if for some reason the person trying to download from gigasize does not fill in the three letter code correctly, leaves it blank or its enter before they finish putting in the correct three letters, it will do that. You don't even know there is a problem until the count down finishes and then you click download. Have them try hitting the back button until they get a new three letter code and try again.
Hope that helps.
uh oh, we missed the 30,000
And we totally didnt expect to hit 30,000 till like today, but wow!!!
Soooooooooooo, we got tons of stuff to post and celebrate. People sending stuff in.
Question from an email:
Do you still need contributions for the blog?
Yes, always, and we will be posting lots of stuff here shortly.
Thanks to all the subscribers, you ROCK!
Monday, July 23, 2007
Almost 30,000 visits to the blog, and we are wanting to do
If you would love to help us celebrate 30,000 visits to the blog and do something huge, email us. We have touched many different forums from this blog, and loads of photographers. So for every 10,000 vistis, we want to celebrate in a huge way.
Send us a email at pifphoto@gmail.com if you want to help celebrate. It could be from a company, template maker, photographer, anybody.
Hit us up and let us know!
Thank you to all the contributions, and the paying it forward gifts.
-PIF Blogger
P.S. We just became a member of prophotogs.com (this is PIF bloggers 4th messageboard) and that is a fantastic board. Sending a shoutout to Cher Salo and all the members , wonderful community of photographers established there.
Want to subscribe to the Pay It Forward blog
And theres more, heres a template 10x20 from andrea.

Arya PIF to the blog, one for the seniors and one for the kids

and one for the kiddos

These are AWESOME Arya, thank you for PIF on the blog. -pif blogger
Favorite tune of the day
if you have a favorite tune that you love to listen to while you work, email us @ pifphoto@gmail.com with the youtube link, and we will post it on the blog and your name :o)
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Bobbie, hooking the pay it forward blog up again!
She is giving, tons of borders.

Thursday, July 19, 2007
Do a little dance, get down tonight.........JAZZ IT UP with Alexi

Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Texture Texture Read All about it....... JESSICA DITTMER PIF on the blog!
Check it out:

Link to download: http://www.gigasize.com/get.php/-1099866159/shabbytexture.zip
Thanks much to Jessica with this banging texture! -pif blogger
More fantastic stuff to come.........
PIF Blogger
Desiree, is fanfreakingTASTIC. Seriously, check out this 10x10 she made for the PIF Blog
Thanks for your wonderful blog!
Heres the download link:
and here's an example:

Desiree your AWESOME! thank you for pif on the blog-pif blogger
Oh so excited!!
We are in a Jack Johnson mood
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Back in business....
We would love to hear from you!
Actually we will sit here and twiddle our thumbs in great anticipation for anybody who wants to contribute to the pay it forward blog, no pressure though! :o)
-pif blogger
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Totally Flipping out! Over 20,000 visits to the blog....
If you want to pay it forward send us an email and we will hit up the blog when we can during our hiatus/vacation!
Come on ride the PIF train, and ride it............ :o)
Busting out the fireworks tonight!
Wow, lots of entries, contest over.
1. Jan Nelson
2. Claudine Jackson
3. Jessica Tyndall
Thank you to all those that entered, more interviews, contest, fun stuff to come (after our hiatus/vacation :o) )
CONTEST w/ Mary Hanson Bracelets!

Website: http://www.maryhansonphotography.com/ssbangles.htm
*thanks to Mary for the awesome contest!
Monday, July 2, 2007
Mary Mary Mary, and contest to boot!

Mary: Mary Hanson
How long have you been in the photography business?
Mary: Three years, but I've been into photography since I was about 9 years old!
What is the best advice (Pay It Forward Style) you could give a photographer starting out in the business?
Mary: Good word of mouth is the best thank you a client can give you, make sure you reward your great clients who spread your name around. Conversely, going the "extra mile" to make an unhappy client happy can be well worth a small investment in reprints, or re-shooting or a thank you gift. The customer is (almost) always right! :)
What is something you have learned in the past that you carry with you to the present?
Mary: Losing my mom to cancer cemented two big lessons for me: 1. you can never take too many photos of those you love, and 2. don't let the "small stuff" get in the way of enjoying each day for the gift that it is.
One thing you just CANT live without?
Mary: After my family, I'd have to say my 24 inch iMac computer... totally addicted.
Your favorite quote?
Mary: Oh...it changes all the time, just heard this the other day and liked it a lot:
"Resentment is you taking the poison and waiting for the other person to die"
Wildest Craziest Thing you have done?
Mary: I've led a pretty tame life, lol. Probably the time last November when I was doing "Get out the Vote" on election evening in Minneapolis, MN and I got a gun pulled on my by some drug dealers who didn't want to be asked if they had voted.
Who is your hero?
Mary: Barbara Kingsolver
Favorite Picture you took?
Mary: I'm probably a bit odd that I tend to like photos with more emotion than a big toothy grin. This photo of three sisters, though taken a few years ago, still speaks to me. Their parents were renewing their vows, and the littlest girl had just had enough of photos, and the day, and she totally started crying. Her big sisters went to console her and their expressions just say it all to me.

Tell us a little bit more on the bracelets ?
Mary: I wanted a simple classic sterling silver bracelet that wasn't too expensive to offer my clients, and couldn't find what I wanted, so decided to buy the supplies and create my own. I use them as client gifts a lot, and every time I give one, it makes the Mom cry. I've had people book sessions from seeing a friends bracelet, so I know they get shown around a lot. I decided to sell them discounted to photographer friends, and the response has been great! Check out http://www.maryhansonphotography.com/ssbangles.htm
for more information.

*Contest details coming up shortly! Thank you's to Mary for interview and contest. -PIF Blogger