Mary: Mary Hanson
How long have you been in the photography business?
Mary: Three years, but I've been into photography since I was about 9 years old!
What is the best advice (Pay It Forward Style) you could give a photographer starting out in the business?
Mary: Good word of mouth is the best thank you a client can give you, make sure you reward your great clients who spread your name around. Conversely, going the "extra mile" to make an unhappy client happy can be well worth a small investment in reprints, or re-shooting or a thank you gift. The customer is (almost) always right! :)
What is something you have learned in the past that you carry with you to the present?
Mary: Losing my mom to cancer cemented two big lessons for me: 1. you can never take too many photos of those you love, and 2. don't let the "small stuff" get in the way of enjoying each day for the gift that it is.
One thing you just CANT live without?
Mary: After my family, I'd have to say my 24 inch iMac computer... totally addicted.
Your favorite quote?
Mary: Oh...it changes all the time, just heard this the other day and liked it a lot:
"Resentment is you taking the poison and waiting for the other person to die"
Wildest Craziest Thing you have done?
Mary: I've led a pretty tame life, lol. Probably the time last November when I was doing "Get out the Vote" on election evening in Minneapolis, MN and I got a gun pulled on my by some drug dealers who didn't want to be asked if they had voted.
Who is your hero?
Mary: Barbara Kingsolver
Favorite Picture you took?
Mary: I'm probably a bit odd that I tend to like photos with more emotion than a big toothy grin. This photo of three sisters, though taken a few years ago, still speaks to me. Their parents were renewing their vows, and the littlest girl had just had enough of photos, and the day, and she totally started crying. Her big sisters went to console her and their expressions just say it all to me.

Tell us a little bit more on the bracelets ?
Mary: I wanted a simple classic sterling silver bracelet that wasn't too expensive to offer my clients, and couldn't find what I wanted, so decided to buy the supplies and create my own. I use them as client gifts a lot, and every time I give one, it makes the Mom cry. I've had people book sessions from seeing a friends bracelet, so I know they get shown around a lot. I decided to sell them discounted to photographer friends, and the response has been great! Check out http://www.maryhansonphotography.com/ssbangles.htm
for more information.

*Contest details coming up shortly! Thank you's to Mary for interview and contest. -PIF Blogger