Yong: Yongtong Hu
How long have you been in business?
Yong: About one year.
What is the best advice (Pay It Forward Style) you could give a photographer starting out in the business?
Yong: Setup a website as soon as you have good portfolio photos. Show the images in big size, and remember to test the contact form. Oh, make sure you can update the content yourself (rather than relying on your hubby or buddy).
What is something you have learned in the past that you carry with you to the present?
Yong: Good customer support is the best marketing tool.
One thing you just CANT live without?
Yong: A camera good for available light. There is a Fuji F10 P&S camera lives in my pocket. If we go to downtown in the evening, I always bring my old faithful Canon 20D, with the amazing 85/1.2 II L lens.
Your favorite quote?
Yong: "Just Do It."
Wildest Craziest Thing you have done?
Yong: When I was a poor college student, there were several months that my telephone bills are over $500 (more than half of my monthly income); they are mainly for long distance calls with my girl friend. She finally moved to the same city, and later married me. :) Now being a husband and father of young kids, I stay away from any crazy things.
Who is your hero?
Yong: Michael Jordan.
Tell us a little bit about your company http://flashpalette.com/ ?
Yong: FlashPalette is specialized in making website template for photographers. The unique feature of our templates is that each comes with a dedicated editor. It can be used to create portfolio galleries, adding text pages, changing all soft of colors and managing your client proofing. The editors are all free to try. You can build a full website even before making the payment. The license code only removes the 'trail version' stamp.
Lots of research and design effort has been put so that photographers can give their websites very unique styles. Check out the websites in this client gallery page ( http://www.flashpalette.com/Samples/FlashpaletteMini01A/rebate/clientgallery.html), they are all created from the same FlashPalette Mini 01A.
Other interesting things you will not find from other template companies are: limited copes per state (04A and above), big monitor support (template 08A, http://www.flashpalette.com/Samples/Flashpalette08A/), hosting website on any server.
I am very proud of our talented website designers and flash programmers. It is a small team, but we keep making magic things happen.
And you know us at PIF, its SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOT over, Flashpalette is doing a contest with PIF.
Details to come *wink* *wink* :o)
I love those flash palettes! I appreciate the interview and hope I win!
Yongtong rocks! And I love my Flash Palettes.
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