Monday, December 31, 2007
ProPhotogs Contest coming to an end...
We will have to upload it to youtube....
Thank you for your patience.
-Lindsay aka Mai PIF blogger
So it gets better, NEW YEARS EVE PARTY from
Link to convention:
New Years contest on PIF and give away a convention ticket For premium members it's a value of 450.00, for registered members it's a value of 500.00 for non members all together a value of 550.00!!!!!!
Like the PIF train never stops! this is a big un!
Rule: Post comments on this blog saying ProPhotog ROCKS, and we will do a Video Blog drawing on who wins!!! Make sure to put name and email. Winner drawn tonight before midnight CST USA. We will try to annouce around midnight.
Throwing numbers in 1-100 in a bowl, however many comments there are. Please only comment once, thank you!
THANKS CHER AND PROPS this is awesome!!! -Lindsay aka Mai pif blogger
We have a winner!!!!!
It was so quick, three girls emailed, neck to neck!!! You guys were FAST!
This one is from Heather, gorgeous!

HI there,
I've been reading your blog for quite awhile and finally had some time to sit down and create something to give away as a freebie on your blog. I created a 5x7 .png white winter grunge overlay. I created it with brushes I made and also commercial use allowed brushes from Obsidian Dawn. I'm attaching the preview image of it, plus here is the link at 4shared where it is hosted:
If you like the overlay and would like to post it on the blog, you can either download it from 4shared and host it at filebuffer or just use the 4shared link I provided, either way works for me :)
Heather Green
Skyes Boot Camp

Okay Okay Okay, We have big news.....
I'm excited to announce that I will be working with Flashpalette Website Design (they have been featured on this blog and PIF ALOT),
You can read more here
I will be blogging away over there too! Making video blogs here(PIF) and there(FP). Doing interviews, contests, giving websites away(so make sure to check the blog) (blog) (websites, etc)
I am thrilled to be working with them, they are good people, great company, and I feel like part of the team already! They have tons of new stuff coming out.
I got tons of emails, pms, etc, and thank you all for the support....Means the world. And I will still be doing my photography. Workaholic over here :o)- LOL
On that note, Today we will get the blog going with all the PIF stuff you guys sent in. And I"ll be bloggin on FP TOO soon!
*I'm running , jumping with excitement, no twiddling the thumbs right now. LOL
-Lindsay aka Mai
PIF Blogger
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
We will be on vacation
We wish you all many many blessings and a Happy New year!
Have fun and be safe new years eve ;)
2008 is bringing in some fun stuff ,PIF to the blog, all that and more coming to YOU!
Um yeah, heck of a deal for Flashpallete
Holiday Sale Ends In 7 Days
Starting from 1/1/2008 (next Tuesday), all templates will be reset to their regular prices.
For example, 08A regular price: $800, holiday price: $400. 09E regular price: $600, holiday price: $350.
If you like to save hundreds of dollars, take action before 12/31.
Dont miss this holiday sale!!! Way to good to pass up.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Here are the entries,
Monday, December 24, 2007
Winner of the Big Kahuna Best of 2007 PIF Contest

We asked the Winner to send us an email to tell us a little bit more on her winning entry, here is her email. Bless her heart. And now we are crying. Congratulations Shelly!
-pif blogger
"Well, I first want to say that I am extremely honored to have won this contest! My name is Shelly Hart and I am the mother of 4 daughters. I was completely shocked that I won because I have only been taking photos for about 3 months and did not think I stood a chance! I started out, hoping that I had some potential in photography and then just poured all of my time in to learning all that I could about photography and editing. I decided that I might be on to something and tentatively announced my photography business and things flew from there. Captured With Hart Photography took off sooner than I expected and I can hardly keep up! I don't even have a website so this is an awesome prize!
When I thought about what Christmas meant, I knew exactly what I had in mind. I always reflect on Christmas memories in front of the tree, hoping for Santa when I was little and praying to thank God for the gift of the baby in the manger when I was older. The picture is depicts a grown woman looking back on her past and viewing Christmas through the eyes of the child she once was. Thank you to my oldest daughte and my sister for helping bring this vision to life. I couldn't have done it without you guys!
This contest means so much to me and has been a great way to end 2007. Thanks so much to the payitforward blog for all of the kindness shared. I never thought that after a few short months, I would be able to accomplish things I never dreamed I could. You definitely had a part in that! Can't wait to see what 2008 brings!
Shelly Hart
..............still crying and shaking!"
*Please email us your information to , address and email, so that we may forward that info to all the sponsors of the contest. Thank you-pifblogger
Tricoast Photo
Finding Color Actions - $125.00 Finding Color Processing DVD - $150.00 Bridal DVD - $100.00 Inspirational DVD - $100.00 Mastering Digital Wedding Photography Book (Named by Shutterbug Magazine as one of the Top Books of 2007) $40.00 normally but personally autographed by me – Value: $0.00 Grand Total: $475.00 plus the book
Phaunt Actions
Newest Action Pack she has out (Priced at $75)
Pussycat Superstar
Pussycat Superstar Fashionista set. It has 13 actions for glamour/funky effects.
And 10 ACR presets. (Valued at, alot, LOL)
Beyond Just Images
Membership valued at (65.00) -there is a approval process with this prize due to the nature of the forum.
Um HELLO A WEBSITE, yeah! lol (Details too be shared with winner)
Kelly Hadded Design
4 GORGEOUS storyboards of her own special design
Swissmiss CARDS
A set of their exclusive holiday cards!
3 Borders to rock the PIF WINNER! - Joell Parkos
One set of her holiday card collection (yay!!)
Silverlake Photo Accessories
Hand Painted Backdrop of your choice (no abstract or scenics)
25 Lightroom presets with help file (WOWZA)
Last but not least, TINA PARKER!!
Something very special for the winner!
We have a winner...
Please know you all did a job well done.
Thank you all that entered. Winner will be annouced shortly.
* we will post some of the top entries on weds. Thank you
Contest is Now OVER.
Winner will be annouced before midnight.
Check back soon........
-pif blogger
1 hour to go..................
Someone will win a website, actions, tricoast cool stuff, a backdrop, tons and tons of stuff...
You dont want to miss out on this one, oh the fun fun fun will begin soon!!
I cant sit still!
FYI, orginally contest was going to end at midnight, but then had a duh moment that we would be annoucing it tonight on christmas eve, hence the reason for changing the end time from midnight to 1o pm CST USA.
Five more hours to go till Contest ends........
And tomorrow is Christmas!!!!!! Well over here it will be but some of you guys already celebrated, Merry Christmas to you!!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Dont Forget... The Big Kahuna Best of 2007 Contest
Details for contest:
Friday, December 21, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
We passed the 150,000 visit mark (just noticed that today), and I'm in shock. Checking the stats, and up to 3,000 visits a day. (*faint*)
Again our many thanks to those who PIF on the blog, to the PIF readers who motivate and encourage all of us along.
Thank you to those who sent ideas in for the blog!! Keep em coming, we love your ideas and will continue to strive and implement them on here!
Our motto: Remember, that when one takes, we hope that person will give too : "Paying it Forward refers to repaying the good deeds that one has received by doing good things for other unrelated people"
We hope you all have a wonderful weekend, Look forward to seeing you guys on the blog Monday, it will be a special day.
Love, blessings, and happiness to all! -pif blogger
Meow......... whats that sound? Pussycat Superstar PIF on the blog
Thank you to Pussycat Superstar for PIF on the blog, very much appreciated!-pif blogger
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
The Big Kahuna Best of 2007 Blowout Spectacular Contest

Finding Color Processing DVD - $150.00
Bridal DVD - $100.00
Inspirational DVD - $100.00
Mastering Digital Wedding Photography Book (Named by Shutterbug Magazine as one of the Top Books of 2007) $40.00 normally but personally autographed by me – Value: $0.00
Grand Total: $475.00 plus the book
A special thank you to all our vendors who PIF on the blog this year, and the vendors PIF to make one heck of a contest!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!-pif blogger
Thank you to everyone who PIF on the blog, theres more to come, tons more PIF gifts from our readers!!-pif blogger
Okay thats it, have fun, cant wait to see the results!
Update: Contest Ends 10 p.m CST USA December 24th, 2007
I'm still typing....
It has to be perfect, its coming.
Okay, Okay I'm awake :o)-
Let me iron out the details, which means I got to get my info all together in writing. May take me just a little bit, so don't let those ants in those pants while getting too antsy. The Big Kahuna Best Of 2007 Contest will be posted TODAY! Its like Huge, bigger then huge, like gigantic, well I cant think of a bigger word for gigantic, its way too early and that would mean I would have to pull out the dictionary, I haven't a clue where that is. Or I can do a search online, but who cares about a word, ITS CONTEST DAY AND ITS THE BIG UN!
Hint: Beyond Just Images
Its going to be Crazy Insanity Wild Good Fun today!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
I think I need a morning wake up call..............
*Feeling so tired*
................................................... :o)-
You ready for this one.......................
AND Flashpallete..........
And its so not over, there's more, yup theres more.................. :o)-
Ask and ye shall recieve.........
Who wants to know more hints?
okay okay, another hint..............................
alsoooo aka bobbie
oh the insanity of it all, I CANT WAIT!!!!
More more more more more to come, I cant sit still!!!!!!
Ahh heck, lets share some more hints.........
Recieved this email..........
Link to download: Click Here
Are you feeling the vibe??? We are, thank you for PIF Niecia!-pifblogger
Photographic MVP Design paying it forward........

Link to download: Click here
Link to all Photographic MVP Designs fun stuff:
Two More Hints For tomorrows Contest
Pussycat Superstar
PhotographicMVP Design
and there is more......
Posting a Card from PhotographicMVP Design, look for that coming to you in 3....2.....1.....seconds, LOL
Monday, December 17, 2007
Silverlake specials in for DECEMBER, last chance till probably feb.
PIF Readers, you will be entitled to purchase any of the hand painted designs for a deeply discounted $149.00 plus shipping. The same discount will be applied to the Motion, which makes it $339.00 for the group buy price.
If you wish to purchase more than one, you need to make separate orders for each background as our shopping cart will only accept one coupon per order. Make sure that you select the 10x20 size from the drop down.
Below are links to images of the backgrounds and the special code you will need to enter into the shopping cart.
All Natural 10x20 - $149.00 code = natural special
Survivor 10x20 - $149.00 code = survivor special
Motion 10x20 - $339.00 code = motion special
All you need to do is go to, choose one of the above color and sizes then in the coupon box put the above code.
If you have any problems with placing your order, don't hesitate to give us a call.
The hand painted Backgrounds will be shipped within 2-3 weeks. Depending on how many orders we receive for the Motion, it may take us longer for that design in that it takes much longer to produce it. The backgrounds will be shipped in the same order that the orders are placed. If you have a specific shoot coming up, please let us know and we will do what we can to accommodate your schedule.
Thank you for your continued support!
Ordering starts today, Dec 17th and goes til Sun Dec 23rd ENJOY!! This will be the last group buy until at least February!
For ideas of what our clients are producing using the Motion Design, please see the following thread:
Off subject, but what do you guys think of whats
Two hints on some of the vendors for the BIG CONTEST OF THE YEAR.....
And thats just the beginning(tons more), get your cameras person will win it all.............. more details to come..........
until then, PIF readers are paying it forward, in their own style........
Our many thanks...
You guys lift a person up when they are down, and your comforting words warmed us. Thank you so much for being there, and today is a new day.
One thing we come back with from over the weekend, Live Life, Love It, Enjoy It, and Be thankful for it. I know we will every step we make, or every word we type........
Sunday, December 16, 2007
I am simply amazed at the emails we recieve...
Hey There!
I think its great what you guys are doing. I am a photographer located in Florida. I am donating a set of 25 textures.
Link to download the textures: Click here
Nick Haskins
Haskins Photography
Check out what I'm up to at my blog!
Photographers, get lit at LUMU!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
So sorry to not post....
It has taken a toll on our family, we will post on the blog later in due time.
Thank you,
pif blogger
PIF Big Kahuna Holiday Contest Best of 2007 will be Dec 19th
*In the mean time, we will be posting another interview and also some more submissions from our PIF readers who paid it forward to the blog! Yay.
Also making a Christmas video for the Big Kahuna Holiday contest, if it turns out, I'll post it, if it doesnt and its dorky, I wont, LOL. :o)-
Monday, December 10, 2007
Tis the Season to be VERY Merry from TINA!!!!!!!
Theres, a layer, red christmasy paper, holiday card, baby card, gorgeous trifold, theres also actions in the files (no sample images for those, but ho ho ho happy holidays, right!! ) and LOTS OF FUN STUFF!
FYI: Due to the nature of these products this will be the last rehost (12/18), so hurry and get em now, HO HO HO
Links to download: This one's the Trifold
and the other folder
*Shoutout to Tina for PIF and gifting the blog, we are thankful!! -pif blogger
Link to all her fun, rocking stuff:
REHOSTED, thanks tina (again) LOL!!

Tina: Tina Parker
How long have you been in the photoshop business?
A little over a year, but have been tinkering with it for about 4.
What is the best advice (Pay It Forward Style) you could give a photographer starting out in the business?
To have patience and just play. You can really learn a lot just by playing :)
Whats things do you have with you at your desktop while you work?
My Cherry Cola, pen, paper and calculator.
What is something you have learned in the past that you carry with you to the present?
Life in General- things always happen for a reason and the reason may be unknown at the time but will eventually come out.
Business wise - Always follow through with what you start!
One thing you just CANT live without?
Tina: My wonderful family
Your favorite quote?
You can't depend on your eyes if your imagination is out of focus - Mark Twain
Wildest Craziest Thing you have done?
Tina: I'd have to say skinny dipping before the lake froze over (early November 1994) - it was sooooo very cold and I will NEVER do that again Brrrrrrr!!!!
Who is your hero?
Tina: I would have to say my Daughter Ashlee, she's a very well rounded individual and I have learned a lot from her!!
What is your favorite technique in photoshop?
Tina: Pushing play in the actions pallet LOL ;)
If you were on a boat, and stranded in the middle of the ocean, what would you do?
Tina: I'd prolly think I've went to heaven, sit back and enjoy it for a while.....then panic ;)
Link to her site with awesome stuff:
And, just you wait, she has some AWESOME PIF gifts she has in store for you ;)
Posting that blog shortly, some fun goodies.!!!
*Thank you to Tina, for the interview and the fun goodies you PIF on the blog. -pif blogger
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Another Video, gearing up for this week!!!
Turn volume up, I video taped it myself, I'm so proud. I'll be doing more, and hopefully get better at this video taping stuff, we so silly, LOL. 1300-1700 visits a day, wowza!!!
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Just a Reminder for the PIF blog and paying it forward....
Thank you for understanding the Pay It Forward Photography Mission.
-pif blogger
Still riding that Christmas Train, another cute Santa Belt card from Jess!

Heres one from Corla...fantastic storyboard!

Link to download: Click here
*Thank you Corla for PIF on the blog, awesome storyboard!!-pif bloggerIts Red and Black and cute all over!!!

Our many Thanks to Beyond Just Images Forum
-Pif Blogger
Friday, December 7, 2007
Oh this is cool , PIF ranked #5 video honor on Youtube for Non-Profit and Activism
And its all you guys, you guys/gals rock!
Honors for This Video:
#36 - Most Viewed (Today) - Nonprofits & Activism
#5 - Most Linked (Today) - Nonprofits & Activism
Attention Steve....
Beyond Just Images.........To create not just images but ART

Kelly: Kelly Bennett
Mandi: Amanda Haynes, but friends call me Mands
How long have you been in business?
Kelly: 2 1/2 years
Mandi: Officially 16 months...and sometimes wish I was still doing it just for fun!..but not often
What is the best advice (Pay It Forward Style) you could give a photographer starting out in the business?
Kelly: Stay true to shooting what you love..... dont change your style for other people. Shoot what you love and the work will come.
Mandi: Pick ONE thing you LOVE to shoot, shoot from your heart, look to your own gut for inspiration and then magazines, books, etc for how to "tweak" that. Sometimes you need to fake it before you make it...but it shouldn't be with your images, it should more be with your

What is something you have learned in the past that you carry with you to the present?
Kelly:somethings are too good to be true... there is no magic action, template, form, seminar etc etc that will make you wake up one day and be is a constant learning
Mandi: People are precious.....sometimes we think we have forever with them, and then we discover that we don't. When I go to capture images, I always keep in mind that I don't know the road this person may travel, and my images could one day be worth more than gold, so I always try and capture the feel of who they are in that moment and do the very best I can for them. Sounds morbid almost! but those of you who have lost loved one's know exactly what I mean!
One thing you just CANT live without?
Kelly: It would have to be computer, i am lost without it. It plays music.... lets me talk to Mands.... get on Beyond... work.......
Mandi: links me to my best friend (Kell!), my family (In-Laws and Beyond Members), learning, fun and Photoshop is on there too! (We've assumed that everyone knows we can't live or do without our Hubby's and kids!...of which we have I mean, not husbands!)
Your favorite quote?
Kelly: Never let the odds keep you from doing what you know in your heart you were meant to do. H Jackson Brown Jr.
Mandi: You need only claim the events of your life to make yourself yours. When you truly possess all you have been and done, which may take some time, you are fierce with reality. Florida Scott-Maxwell.
Wildest Craziest Thing you have done?
Kelly: Married my husband the first night I met him (yes we are still married)
Mandi: Fell in love with my husband at first glance, got engaged without a single date, and married three months of hectic planning later. If any of my girls do that, I'll kill them! but 14 years later, I don't regret a minute of it!
Who is your hero?
Kelly: my Meme..... (grandma) she is the center of our family and has kept us all together thru some tough stuff. She was widowed over 15 years ago and became a strong center for us all.
Mandi: Gosh, so many! Photography-wise Audrey Woulard....while her images are out of this world, it is her determination and truth to herself, that I admire most. In everyday life, my husband, who gets up everyday and does the grindstone, so I can live the that is a SUPER hero!
Tell us a little bit about your forum ?
Kelly: The forum itself was born out of Ava Rosemeyer's tragic passing...... a committee was set up to get the message out there so that this would never happen to another family but there was so much information passing back and forth, we decided to gather all that info into one place……Beyond was born. Everyone on the Committee loved photography and so naturally the talk turned to that, then others began to come in and chat too….within a week, we had 20 members who were all chatting everyday, sharing and critiquing each others work. We were overwhelmed!What started off as our vision and belief that people who loved photography would want somewhere to “hang out” that was fun and pleasant…has become a reality.
Mandi: Beyond was Kelly's vision, and I was fortunate to be asked along for the road. What began as Kell's "what if we"....has grown to be more than either of us ever dreamed. It has been an amazing ride and we have really stuck to the essence of the original vision, which I think is why it has worked...but mostly we have been blessed to have incredible photographer's give of their time and talent to help others .....true PIF style!...which is sometimes a rare quality to find. We've been lucky to find it in Jen Bebb, Jessica Claire, Tony Bridge, Audrey Woulard, Dane Sanders ...and a whole line-up booked until 2009....they give to give back but also cos I think they just plain old love photography as much as we do! Mostly though the forum is really all about the members ...who come from Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Japan, UK, France, South Africa, Canada, USA, Germany...and I'm sure I"ve missed a few! It is them that have made it their own and continue to make it work. The Forum really is theirs, we just facilitate it and smooth any bumps.
And drumroll please....................whoever post in comments frist wins a free membership!!! (There is an approval process for this forum, thats the only rule)
And their not done, for the next 48 hours, you can get a membership for $48.00 (normally 65.00), this goes for anyone, again subject too the approval process.
Melanie R. sent this email in, and we think this is wonderful
Merry Christmas!
Melanie Reyes"
*Thank you to Melanie, this is a wonderful mission and a way to PIF! I know some of us have so much to be thankful for, and something like that could make a little childs dream.-PIF Blogger
Thursday, December 6, 2007
So tomorrow is a big day, well heck, its gonna be a HUGE day
Friday is FUN DAY!
and more PIF gifts to post ;)
and and the contest/ prize for the big 2007 kahuna contest for the year, yeah its huge, bigger then huge, and one lucky winner will win it all. Man sometimes I wish I could enter its just that GOOD, no its AWESOME! (being posted next friday, not tomorrow)
Video Blog for our PIF readers, from yours truley, the PIF Blogger
You should be seeing more videos on here, so take a looky, and thanks to all our PIF readers who are enjoying the blog as much as we are!!!
We have now morphed into a Flicker group for PIF
Raise your hand if your excited! Just kidding we cant see you raise your hand, LOL. Unless you send in a picture or send a video of you raising your hand then we can see it! I may just do that myself :o)-
-pif blogger
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Still in the Christmas spirit, one from Amy!!

Link to download: Click here
Link to all her fun stuff: Click here
*Thank you Amy for PIF on the blog with some christmas cheer!-pifblogger
Silverlake Photo Accessories, Happy Holidays with Elf Yourself

Jamie D, paying it forward today, Red Vintage STYLE

Jodi Bell From Chocolate Cactus Design, PIF with some Snowflakes

Link to download: Click here and Click here
*Thank you to Jodi, these will look awesome on cards, storyboards, etc, very helpful and thank you for Pay It Forward.- Pif Blogger
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Big Contest with some of our most generous donators on the blog for 2007
Some of the most generous vendors on the blog are gifting the blog with some awesome stuff for one lucky person to win the whole shabang.
*Vendors if you have not recieved an email from us, and you are interested in donating, email us at too include you in the contest.
The Importance of Logo Design, shared by Jodi Bell with Chocolate Cactus Design

So what makes a logo good?
Jodi Bell
Chocolate Cactus Designs
Monday, December 3, 2007
Warning, Please do NOT send money to PIF's Email for Paypal
We did not click on the link for paypal activation.
We have also reported it to Paypal due to the nature of many visits on the blog.
It is important that we inform you of this issue.
Again we ask that you do not send money to PIF's email or anyone posing as PIF with other emails.
Thank you,
-PIF Blogger