Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Filebuffer, Milan made another post


No PayPal for Croatia
Many of you have answered my plead for help, and I thank you with all of my heart. Unfortunately I was informed that PayPal does not allow money to be sent to accounts opened in Croatia due to limited service provided here.
I am sorry, I know I keep apologizing but trust me that I’m very sorry for not reading the fine print first, and for believing none of you even considered donating.
Does this mean FileBuffer is doomed? No. I refuse to even consider other advertising options that I successfully resisted for years but that doesn’t mean I’m taking the site down.
I’m paying my bills and paying the overchargers to the point I can afford, when I no longer can FileBuffer will be down, I understand that not having a reliable hosting for your files will certainly drive a lot of people away, but then the traffic will be significantly lower and site will be able to function as normal, c’est la vie.
Call me foolish but I am prepared to have more debit from this than income, and it’s not all because of you, I love FileBuffer, it’s history and work hours invested, saying that alone could be all reliability some users need, and I thank you for that.

So one of our members informed us they tried to paypal and croatia is limited with paypal. Milan is of good people. I think very highly of him. He has been good to PIF for so long and we are thankful.

If there is anything WE as PIF readers and contributors can do please let us know. We thank you for your hospitality to our readers and our blog.
I will contribute myself if there is another route we can go or if paypal is available in your area in the future. We are here. Thanks so much again. Immensely.
-PIF Blogger

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