Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Okay, so many of you commented and sent in emails,

Heres some ideas sent by Haskins Photography and J. Caraway Photography,

they both suggested PIF with server space.

For example, Jeanelle would take over January, I fwd donations to her too upload and she ftps and emails me back the link to post on the blog. Which is a fantastic Idea until things get back underway with filebuffer.

Thanks so much to you both for these wonderful ideas.

Tell me what you guys think, and if anyone would be interested in taking a month. Theres 12 months out of the year, ha ha ha. I dont blog on weekends.

I will also look into other avenues so we dont miss a beat.

Also please dont stop sending in PIF gifts. If there is a will theres a way, and we will keep on trucking along.

Heres another deal though, We get between 1700-3000 visits a day, not sure if that would be an issue, so lets get more ideas flowing.

Thanks so much,
PIF Blogger

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