Thursday, January 10, 2008

Chocolatey Funness!!!! With Eva Talley....

These are soooooooooo adorable! Very Very Cute!

Links to download:

Link to all of Eva Talleys' fun stuff:
*thank you Eva for pif on the blog, the animations are so cute! Love them! Very unique.- Lindsay aka Mai pif blogger


Maureen said...

These are beautiful but I am having a problem with the files. When I try to open them in CS3 I get an error message stating that "unknown data has been encountered reading" each layer "and will be discarded". I tried both files and am getting the same error messages. Anybody else having a problem?


Robyn Shiels said...

Thanks so much! They are really cute.

Anonymous said...

Maureen, I am getting the same error mssg. Not sure why....