Introducing James Hodgins from NoBs Photo Success and WE GOT THE INTERVIEW!
What is the best advice (Pay It Forward Style) you could give a photographer starting out in the business?
James:Always have an open mind, treat your competition as friends, always pass your knowledge on to others (you gain more knowledge that way), and if you have the passion..............run with it.
Piece of equipment you just CANT live without?
James:Memory Card haha. I guess if I had to have one thing besides my camera, it would be my 70-200 F2.8
What’s three things you keep at your desk while you work?
James:Tea, cellphone, and a cat. (sometimes two)
Your favorite quote?
James:Cheers Mate.
Favorite technique you enjoy doing in photoshop?
James: I like exposing for the sky, when I have ambient light only, and then I will use a duplicate layer in screen mode to brighten the whole image up, erase the top layer to bring back original exposure where ever you want. Been doing this for years with great success
If you were in a hurricane, whats the first thing you would save and why?
James: Well, I would be the one chasing the hurricane as that is one of my life's goals.........but in this situation, I would save whatever needed saving at that time.
AND its not over, he is also giving some actions, WOW WOW WOW (thank you Hodgy!!):
Free download of the creamtone action:
and some other actions on the technique above "called hodgysky"
thanks for the actions and the interview! :)
Thanks you for the actions,interview and this blog!:)
Love the actions Hodgy, thanks for the interview!
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