What is the best piece of advice you could give a photographer starting out?
Travis: Two things really. Work on consistency first, then artistic style. Photographers are hired to produce dependable results. If you can add some artistic flair in the process, then you will soon have a following of loyal clients. Before booking paid jobs, it is essential that you know you can guarantee results. Paid gigs are not the time to be guessing.
Secondly, you have two choices. You can work for another photographer or be self employed. If you choose to work for yourself, business education is a must, if not more important than photographic education. Many extremely talented photographers have been left holding the bag as a result of poor business practices.
If you were stranded on a island, and you were allowed one piece of camera equipment , what would it be and why?
Travis: One piece of equipment, huh? I would have to say a reflector with diffusion screens and reflective ones. Not only would that allow me to modify light any time of the day, but I could also use it as shelter at night. If it were an extended stranding, I would have to trade the reflector for a battery charger.
What is the best marketing advice you would give to a photographer that would help their business?
Travis: There are lots of great marketing methods to get your name out in front of your target audience, but the one form of marketing that is going to carry you through the years is Word of Mouth. Treat every client like they were your only client and make them love you before even viewing the images. Offering incentives for your past fans to tell their friends will be the most honestly received advertising that you can do. While it takes time to develop, we spend a majority of our efforts taking care of existing clients as they are the driving force behind our new inquiries.
Out of all the backdrops you sell, which one is your favorite?
Travis: My favorite background that we sell is constantly evolving as we continue to produce new designs. In order to keep my work fresh and show a variety of images, it helps me to have a continual supply of new backgrounds and props. We can offer more variety to our clients when we have a background that will match any outfit or mood.
If I had to pick just one to use for any possible shoot it would be something darker with a more muted pattern. I really enjoy using the Ebony and the Hickory for shoots of all subject matter. Although, the new abstract designs are really fun to play with as well.
Favorite tunes you love to listen too?
Travis: It completely depends on the mood I'm in. I love live music of any kind, but you will find everything from Death Metal to Johnny Cash in my collection.
Who is your favorite silverlake member??? ha ha don't answer that, totally kidding.
Travis: What are you going to ask next...which child is my favorite? These are all hard choices.
Store: http://www.silverlakephoto.com/home.php
Forums: http://www.silverlakephoto.com/forums/
P.S. Silverlake hooks it up every month with specials for three backdrops
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