Cher Salo gave us the INTERVIEW! And a contest too boot!
What Job title would you give yourself?
Cher: Keeper of the Green J ProPs has always had the ‘green’ colors. Members call me Mama.
What is something you have learned in the past that you carry with you to the present?
Cher:Everyone is equal, no matter what, where, who, how, why, we’re all equal.
One thing you just CANT live without?
Cher:My coffee and mountain dew! Sad but true.
What's three things you keep at your desk while you work?
Cher:My cell phone. A stack of papers, to make it look like I’m working, oh wait, I’m the boss that doesn’t matter LOL
And of course, my iPod!.
Your favorite quote?
Cher:What goes around comes around. J
Wildest Craziest Thing you have done?
Cher: You really want me to tell you this? LOL I skinny dipped at Gulf Shores, one too many Tequilas, back in my younger days.
Who is your hero?
Cher:My kids are my heroes. No matter what they have been through their entire life, they have grown to be amazing kids (adults). They have used
what they have been through and learned, in a positive way instead of dwelling only on the bad.
Links: http://www.prophotogs.com/forum/
And she's not done. Nope, not done, are you excited????
She's paying it forward (GREEN STYLE) with TWO MEMBERSHIPS of 150.00 EACH (thats 300.00 buckeroos folks) for the contest this week! Ladies and Gents, we will post the contest shortly.
1 comment:
Thank you Mai! This is an awesome thing you're doing here :)
It's MY pleasure to give back & Pay It Forward!
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