Michelle: Michelle Ocampo Photography
How long have you been in the photography business?
Michelle: Photographing professionally for a little over a year. However, when I was in high school (back in the day!) I worked in a photo lab developing photos...that has to count for something right?! :)
What is the best advice (Pay It Forward Style) you could give a photographer starting out in the business?
Michelle: Never give out CD's with images on them. Chances are, they will take them to a place that prints a *less* than desirable quality, and that photo now represents your work and talent. I admit...I did it, but never again! So please learn from my mistake!!
What is something you have learned in the past that you carry with you to the present?
Michelle: Just do your best. As long as you do your best in everything in life, you will succeed often and have few regrets!
One thing you just CANT live without?
Michelle: Photography related: My favorite lens of the moment...my 17-50mm 2.8. I also must have my iPod music jamming while editing...I swear my images always come out better when I do! However, on a personal level...my cell phone. I will ALWAYS have it on me!
Your favorite quote?
Michelle: "The brave only die once." My grandfather used to say this...and it's so true!
Wildest Craziest Thing you have done?
Michelle: Okay, so I feel boring having to sit here and "think" about this answer! But I will probably go with the time I went out on a tour off of North Shore, Hawaii where they take you out to shark territory and put you in a shark cage to get up close and personal with the sharks! So you're probably reading this thinking, "oh cool (or not), that's crazy!" Well, the funny part is we didn't see anything, and I got horribly sea sick for the first time...but I had all the intentions of being wild and crazy. And yes, I will SO do it again when I am in Hawaii next time...I'll take puking to be able to be that close with such a mysterious animal!
Who is your hero?
Michelle: My husband...he is perfection to me.
Favorite Picture you took?

Link to download cards: Download Cards
*Thank you Michelle for those CUTE cards and interview! -PIF Blogger