Mama: Shan Canfield (aka Photoshop Mama & Mama Shan)
How long have you been in the photoshop business?
Mama: It started in 1998, when I took a Photoshop class. But I remember when the lightbulb exploded in my head--it was at local NAPP/Photoshop seminar, presented by Photoshop gurus, Scott Kelby and Rob Kerr at the Convention Center, in Nashville, Tennessee in 1999. I became so infused with excitement and understanding of the program that I got my ACE Adobe Certified Expert, 2 months later and started teaching Photoshop, in the Summer of 1999, at Nashville State Community College. I created a Web site in 2001, shanzcan.com, where I put up galleries of my work and my students work, along with a lot of very nice printable PDF tutorials, I'd written. I wrote monthly articles on Photoshop techniques for SBS Digital Magazine for over 2 years (many can still be found on Graphics.com). I also contributed several images and techniques to the Photoshop Diva, Katrin Eismann, who graciously published them in three of her books. In 2003, my youngest daughter Nora and I started a Photography/Design business, moidesignstudio.com In January, 2007, I launched a new commercial venture, Mama Shan's Digital Imaging Goodies, LLC, sharing and selling video tutorials and digital imaging products for Photoshop at photoshopmama.net. And so far, this has been the most rewarding venture. I love making video tutorials and creating actions and techniques for the photoretouching workflow! It's still a work in progress but after 9 years of sharing my OPD (Obsessive Photoshop Disorder), it's finally paying off.
What is the best advice (Pay It Forward Style) you could give a photographer starting out in the business?
1. Research your market area for products offered and competitive pricing.
2. Write down your goals: service, product, and financial!
3. Be creative! Come up with a unique style, service, and/or product!
4. Visit and participate in photography forums.
5. Go to conventions and/or seminars for photography and digital imaging.
6. Create a Web presence to showcase your work, products, prices, bio, location, and contact info.
7. Be an expert at archiving and batch processing your images. If you can't do it, hire an assistant, who can.
8. This last bit of advice is the most important-- love what you do! Be passionate, confident, tenacious, grateful, and generous and you will be successful and happy!
What things do you have with you at your desktop while you work?
Mama: Coffee in the morning and occasionally a DosEquis or Margaritta on hot summer evenings, Computer, Wide Screen Monitor,Wacom Tablet, DVDs, CDs, Scanner, Printer, Paper & Pens, Desktop Calendar, Calculator, Headphones, USB Microphone.
What is something you have learned in the past that you carry with you to the present?
Mama:Teaching helps you learn faster and better, which falls right in line with the "pay it forward" philosophy. I always advise my students and clients to share something they've learned with a friend or family member. The repetition really helps cement in concepts and techniques.
One thing you just CANT live without?
Mama: My family! My husband, of 31 years, Brett, three grown children, Shayna & her husband, Mike, Nora, Zac, and my grandson, Jonah! I know they're not a piece of equipment or a cool digital toy...but I'd be lost without them.
Your favorite quote?
Mama: Change is inevitable.....except from vending machines!
Wildest Craziest Thing you have done?
Mama: Running down my street naked! Ha...gotcha! That's so NOT true!...it was at Rivergate Mall! LOL!
NOTE: You should have a question that follows this that asks, "What's the smartest thing you have done?" And I'd respond, "Not to "truthfully" publicly divulge the wildest craziest thing I've done!"
Who is your hero?
Mama: Pam Hawkins. Ten years ago, I took a Quark Xpress (desktop publishing) class at Nashville State Community College. Pam was the best teacher I've ever had in my life (and she is still the best teacher at NSCC, today!) My intention was to take only one or two classes. After a semester with her, I was so inspired to go all on board and get my degree in Visual Communications. Pam also inspired me on a personal level. Prior to having her as a role model and teacher, I was chronically late for everything! She made me want to be a much more conscientious individual! Pam was also the Program Coordinator in 1999 and had enough faith and confidence in me to hire me to teach the Advanced Photoshop Class. Pam and I have become best buds, and partners in Photoshop to this day! I just love her!
You do the www.photoshopmama.net , what is your favorite technique in photoshop?
Mama: I'd have to say using Mama's Powder Actions for photo retouching, in Photoshop. It's just so easy and so much darn fun! The actions create a Group/Set and I just brush on the digital powder! Poof! It's done. Here's a link for FREE VIEWING of the process for the All Powders Kit.
If you were on a boat, and stranded in the middle of the ocean, what would you do?
Mama: Take my clothes off, lather up with sunblock, lay out on the deck and be confident the "Save the Whales Organization," would rescue me!
And Mamas not done! (this is awesome btw)
*Here's a link for FREE VIEWING of my video tutorial on how to create a LensBaby Effect and use a Gradient Map, in Photoshop!
*And here's a zipped folder containing a nice pdf tutorial and image for using Adjustment Layers to colorize a Black and White image-- Mama Shan
Link to download: http://www.gigasize.com/get.php/-1100027927/bw2col.zip
*Thank you to Mama Shan for the interview and awesome PIF gifts! The save the whales comment has me rolling, LOL! -PIF Blogger
Link to Photoshop Mama: Photoshopmama.net