Marilyn: Marilyn Sholin
How long have you been in the photography business? Marilyn: I hate to tell you!! Started my business from home in 1979 and opened my first 800 sq foot studio in 1982. In 1986 moved to 1200 sq foot studio on main street and in 1993 moved to 2600 sq foot studio with four employees. Gave all that up in 2000 and moved everything back to my home but work only on location for shooting, sales and delivery. Have one full time employee and LOVE and I mean LOVE how I work now! Low volume and a mix of art, photography and teaching.
What is the best advice (Pay It Forward Style) you could give a photographer or painter starting out in the business?
Marilyn: Education! I wish that more of it was available when I started out. Join the local and state professional associations and be active in them. Network and learn. Go to hands on workshops as much as possible and that will help the bottom line faster than anything else.
What is something you have learned in the past that you carry with you to the present?
Marilyn: My own quote which is to: BE FEARLESS. Don't be afraid to change and try new things. I have learned to make my mistakes turn into assets by learning from them and I have no fear of being wrong as I will always learn something from the experience. I don't worry about what others will think, but stay true to myself instead. And also, to always help others to succeed and it comes back to you in a positive way.
One thing you just CANT live without?
Marilyn: My Treo cell phone so I can get my email and have my schedule and contacts with me. I would be lost without it. Add sushi to the list and my life is complete.
Your favorite quote?
Marilyn: Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up. PICASSO
Actually, I have a lot of quotes I love and they help to validate my feelings, but this one has a way of reminding me to stay open to my feelings.
Wildest Craziest Thing you have done?
Marilyn: Gee, put that on the internet for everyone to read? I don't think so! Many thought I was crazy when I closed my studio, but I proved them wrong!
Who is your hero?
Marilyn: Other than Batman? I had to sit and think about this a long time. Heroes are few and far between.
I think I will say my mother who at the end of her life showed a strength I never knew she had. She also was one of my biggest fans and supporters of my pursuing the art side of my life.
Favorite Picture that you painted?
Marilyn: I would have to say that I always feel good looking at my Bourbon Balcony painting that was the cover of Rangefinder. I never get tired of it. I love painting my City Art series as it allows tremendous freedom and expression for me. I am trying to take that freedom feeling over to my portrait paintings now.

Tell us a little bit about the field your in for Painting?
Marilyn: Learning COREL PAINTER brought such happiness into my life I can't explain it. I never was this happy as just a portrait photographer. I finally feel that I can put life into my photographs and turn them into art. I feel like a kid exploring the software and all the things it can do. The best thing I did was to learn how to use this and I get a great deal of satisfaction watching it change other lives in the same way. There is nothing more thrilling than to see teach this and see lightbulbs go on over peoples heads in the room as they begin to "get it". My clients appreciate me so much more now that I paint for them and I am thrilled to see the paintings on their walls.
LINKS: http://www.digitalpaintingforum.com/
http://www.marilynsholin.com/ (this site is under a huge renovation but has the most information)
Marilyn on her PIF Gift: I am sharing with your members my Marilyn PAINTER BRUSHES Sampler! The zip file is attached with instructions for how to install in Painter. These brushes should work in version 7 and up, but if there are any problems, please have members email me directly. These brushes are either ones I created in Painter or are my variants on brushes in Painter with my special settings for using them.
link to download: http://www.gigasize.com/get.php/-1100071352/Install_Brushes_Painter.zip
*Thank you to Marilyn and her generous pif gift, it was such a joy to interview you! PIF Blogger
Photoshop Mama has created this special sample set of eyelashes copyrighted by Lance Lenoir from the original set of 21 lash styles,Lance Lenoir designed these beautiful and very useful lashes.
The full set of lashes are available at http://www.photoshopmama.net/ plus other
great products there that are great additions to your Photoshop collection.

Link to download: http://www.gigasize.com/get.php/-1100063997/Lenoir_Comp_Brushes.zip
*Thank you to Photoshop Mama/Lance Lenior for the lash pif gift. PIF Blogger
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