Nichole: Just a year officially, but I’ve been an amateur enthusiast for about the last 9 years, moving from film to digital.
What is the best advice (Pay It Forward Style) you could give a photographer starting out in the business?
Nichole: Learn the rules and all the technical stuff, and then feel free to break them all! You need a solid base in aperture, shutter speed, focal length and all that. You need to know all the old school rules. Only then can you manipulate and break them and find your unique style. And enjoy the journey along the way. The learning curve of becoming a photographer is a wonderful, exhilarating thing!
Oh and buy the best lens you can afford! Lenses make more difference than anything else!
Piece of equipment you just CANT live without?
Nichole: My Canon 85 f1.2L lens . . . . . it makes me soooooo happy!
Oh and my rocket blower . . . . that thing keeps all my equipment clean and out of the camera repair shop!
What’s three things you keep at your desk while you work?
Nichole: Chocolate, chocolate, oh and uhmmmmmm . . . . . . . . more chocolate
Your favorite quote?
Nichole: “There’s no Photoshop action for bad photography!” I honestly can’t remember who said that to me, but I think about it all the time. I think that I want to rely on Photoshop to make my photos great, but a great photo is amazing right out of the camera. It’s really forced me to continually challenge myself technically.
Favorite technique to do in photoshop?
Nichole: My actions . . . . especially my soft pop action! lol!
No, that’s not true, the liquify tool rocks my world! I love it more than words can express.
Your favorite photo that you took?
Nichole: Uhmmmmmm, just one?!

Love this one!!
and she is PIF with a texture action!!!

Link to download:
*thanks to Nichole for PIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This texture ROCKS!
nichole - this is gorgeous!!!
for some reason i couldnt get the link/download to work - it just kept taking me to gigasize's homepage
Nicole that picture blew me away!
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