Susan: Susan H. Robichaud
How long have you been in the photography business?
Susan: Started my business officially in July 2004 (was portfolio-building from April-July)
What is the best advice (Pay It Forward Style) you could give a photographer starting out in the business?
Susan: Remember those who are helping you by helping out those who come after you. It isnt about how much of the market share you can grab for yourself, it is about having a collegial relationship with your fellow photographers. If someone helps you, you should help someone else. Dont delete those emails from newbies when YOU are the "expert". Just because they seem like "silly" questions once you know the answers, doesnt mean that that they dont deserve a response.
What is something you have learned in the past that you carry with you to the present?
Susan: Dont be a jerk. It will come back at you someday. It will.
One thing you just CANT live without?
Susan: Photography-wise? For some reason I *MUST* have battery grips on all my bodies, even my film bodies. I just always spend the extra couple hundred, even though I have never had a battery issue (and I have 7 backup batteries). I'm just used to them now.
Your favorite quote?
Susan: "Uh, yeah, well, my grandmother just dropped acid and hijacked a schoolbus full of penguins, so its kind of a family emergency. can you come back later?" (ok, I loved the 80s and I constantly quote movies. This line is from Better Off Dead, where Cusack is accosted by the "I want my 2 dollars" paperboy. Cracks me up just thinking of it.
Wildest Craziest Thing you have done?
Susan: After I graduated from college, I packed my car with my clothes, my TV and my dog and moved to DC from Kansas City. I had no job, no money and didnt know one person in the entire area. It was great for me, taught me all about self-sufficiency and how to be my own best friend.
Who is your hero?
Susan: Anyone who gets through the day without hurting anyone.
Favorite Picture you took?
Susan: This was hard. I wanted to be able to post one of my kids, but since they are not my most cooperative subjects, I picked an easier one. This is Andy, he was 8 days on the day I took this shot. A little hard to get his unmentionables to stay covered, but I liked the way he looked pretty comfy in Daddy's hands.

You do the Vendor review site, how does that work?
Susan: The Photog Vendors Review site is definitely my most-controversial project. Most people see it for what it is: a resource to consult when making financial decisions on a purchase. Unfortunately, there are people who want to sling arrows at me b/c they dont like the way I set it up. I dont strive to make people like that happy, that wouldnt be possible, they want everyone else to be miserable like them. I dont waste energy on them
The reviews can be anonymous (useful when reviewing a vendor who is well-received in other places but not the best investment for your hard-earned cash), or you can use your name or initials. Emails are not tracked, but IPs are. I check carefuilly to be sure the same person isnt stirring up trouble by posting again and again.
I encourage people to use the site as another tool in the decision-making process. Dont rely on it entirely. People *do* have agendas, and they can post negatively for reasons other than disatification with the product. Just use your best judgment.
Link to Photog Vendor Reviews: http://www.photogvendors.wordpress.com/
Its so not over, SUSAN is PIF and giving some BORDERS!!!!!! (and they ROCK!)

Link to download: http://www.gigasize.com/get.php/-1100098503/LGPborders.zip
*Photog Vendor Reviews (http://www.photogvendors.wordpress.com/)
* Susan H. Robichaud Photography (http://www.susanrobichaud.com/)
* Art is Life E-Workshops and Safaris (http://www.artislifementoring.com/)
*We would like to thank Susan for the interview/PIF gift and for all her hard work on the vendor review site!
PIF Blogger
Thanks so much for sharing! Love the interview, adore the borders!
I'm so thankful to have found this site! So awesome! I love the interview.
I downloaded the borders but there's nothing in the file. Am I doing something wrong?
Thanks again!
Susan Rocks, nice stuff...
- mike larson
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